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Podjetniški Projektni Center ANAplus d.o.o. manages its websites with due care. Nevertheless, it does not assume any responsibility for their accuracy and completeness. It reserves the right to change the content of this website at any time and in any way, regardless of the reason and without prior notice. All users use all published content at their own risk. Therefore, Podjetniški Projektni Center ANAplus d.o.o. or any legal or natural person who participated in the preparation and production of these websites shall in no event be liable for any damage arising from or related to access to, use of, or inability to use the information on these websites or for any errors or deficiencies in their content.
All information and images on the websites of Entrepreneurial Project Center ANAplus d.o.o. are subject to copyright protection or other forms of intellectual property protection within the legally permissible framework. Images are owned by the company Entrepreneurial Project Center ANAplus d.o.o., others have been obtained from Pexels, Unsplash, and Pixabay websites or purchased with the theme. Documents on these websites may be reproduced only for non-commercial purposes and for personal use, while preserving all specified copyright or other rights notices. Copying, transcription, reproduction, modification or other distribution of information from these websites for commercial purposes is prohibited without the express written consent of Entrepreneurial Project Center ANAplus d.o.o.
You can find more information about privacy protection and policy here.
Podjetniški Projektni Center ANAplus d.o.o. implements technical and organizational security measures that protect your data from manipulation, loss, destruction, or unauthorized access. To ensure the security and confidentiality of personal data collected online, we also use a standard firewall and password protection. When handling your personal data, we take measures designed to protect this data from loss, improper use, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. However, we cannot guarantee the security of your data against any loss, improper use, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction, but we strive to prevent such unfortunate events.
In case of any problems, questions, or for insight, correction, blocking, and deletion of your personal data, please contact: Podjetniški Projektni Center ANAplus d.o.o., Ljubljanska cesta 11, 3000 Celje; pisarna@anaplus.eu.
Continuous development of the web requires occasional changes to our legal notice. We reserve the right to make such changes.
The website operator is Podjetniški Projektni Center ANAplus d.o.o.
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